The old codger. After 45 years in the industry still thoroughly enjoys all aspects of the business . I have been fortunate to employ some excellent staff - and have met and got to know wonderful people/customers .

Jo - Johns daughter joined the company in june 2016 having experience in accounts.
Jo Is fully aware of johns dedication to Customer service / quality of work

Ashley ( another old codger ) is the longest serving member of staff having joined 12 years ago.
He never gets rattled and is always extremely helpful .
As the years go on he is very methodical in his work

Oliver joined dashwood 7 yrs ago having prev experience at a local garage but was not receiving good quality training.
He completed his apprenticeship again going to East Berks College

James first started at Dashwoods on a work experience scheme whilst he was studying Vehicle mechanics at College.
He then joined our team as an apprentice and is now training whilst on day release from College